TCPProxy Usage: java class net.grinder.TCPProxy Commonly used options: [-requestfilter ] Add a request filter. [-responsefilter ] Add a response filter. [-httpplugin] See below. [-properties ] Properties to pass to the filters. [-localhost ] Default is localhost. [-localport ] Default is 8001. [-keystore ] Key store details for [-keystorepassword ] SSL certificates. [-keystoretype ] Default is JSSE dependent. Other options: [-remotehost ] Default is localhost. [-remoteport ] Default is 7001. [-timeout ] Proxy engine timeout. [-colour] Be pretty on ANSI terminals. [-console] Display the console. [-httpproxy ] Route via HTTP/HTTPS proxy. [-httpsproxy ] Override -httpproxy settings for HTTPS. [-ssl] Use SSL when port forwarding. can be the name of a class that implements or one of NONE, ECHO. The default is ECHO. Multiple filters can be specified for each stream. If neither -remotehost nor -remoteport is specified, the TCPProxy listens as an HTTP/HTTPS Proxy on . If either -remotehost or -remoteport is specified, the TCPProxy acts a simple port forwarder between and . Specify -ssl for SSL support. -httpplugin sets the request and response filters to produce a test script suitable for use with the HTTP plugin. New versions of these filters are currently under development; use -newhttpplugin to try these out. -timeout is how long the TCPProxy will wait for a request before timing out and freeing the local port. The TCPProxy will not time out if there are active connections. -console displays a simple console that allows the TCPProxy to be shutdown cleanly. -httpproxy and -httpsproxy allow output to be directed through another HTTP/HTTPS proxy; this may help you reach the Internet. These options are not supported in port forwarding mode.